End of the Line

We got back to Vienna and say goodbye to everyone. Once again, we will disperse to our varies hideouts throughout the globe. Interestingly enough, another person going into hiding is Otto von Habsburg. He died July 4th and today there will be a massive funeral for him. His full name is impressive: Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius. Not bad at all-I’d like to see someone outdo that! He was the last in the line of Habsburgs, named Archduke Otto of Austria and before that the Crown Prince of Austria, when he was 4 until it was dissolved at age 6. Not to get all grandiose, but this is a family that goes all the way back to the 10th century and has a lot of big titles like “King of the Romans” and “Holy Roman Emperor” and “King of Bohemia/Hungary/Croatia/Spain/Portugal” etc. etc. etc. You can even throw Transylvania in there – see? got your attention. As an a citizen of a country with a pretty short history after colonization, this is an impressive historical moment.

Pomp and Circumstance
Wasabi cheese
Photo moment
Close Captioned.
Otto's Procession
Otto's Procession pt. 2
Otto's Procession pt. 3

4th of July

Well, we say goodbye to the U.S. of A. after all the stars and stripes and explosions and head over to Europe for 2 upcoming shows… We’ll be playing with Joan as Police Woman in Vienna on Wednesday, July 13th and then at the Colours of Ostrava festival on Thursday, July 14th. Joan as Police Woman is a band featuring Joan Wasser, fomerly of the Dambuilders. She has a new record out as of April called The Deep Field and it will be cool to see her/them play live. Looking forward to that and then playing in the Czech Republic again at the Colours of Ostrava festival. This festival features Mono, the Horrors, Swans, Roy Akens and, uh… Public Image Ltd. plus more! lots more! We’ll be there Thursday so we’ll introduce the festivities and then sit back and let the magic happen.

BBQ Bonanza
Brooklyn lite
Old Glory
Red Skies at Night